Looking for your new favorite MTB rider? Well, meet Chloe Taylor, a rider from the United Kingdom who started her cycling career in BMX at the age of six. Chloe recently made the leap to mountain biking and joined the EWS circuit in 2019 where her history of racing BMX shines through and it’s clear she’s comfortable in the air. Her energy, humor, and love of riding make us pretty excited to have her as a member of the Squad. We felt the world should know more about Chloe, so we set out to chat with her about her cycling family, her favorite parts of riding, and of course, her taste in music.
Tell us a bit about yourself. What’s the “CliffsNotes” version of your life story?
I've grown up in Sheffield, UK, in a cycling mad family. The city is very well known for its mountain bike community, with the likes of Steve Peat being a local legend! From the age of six I raced BMX, right up to competing at UCI Supercross World Cups at the age of 18. I used to travel around the world with my family to the races, and I do believe that has made me the rider I am today. It was only in 2017 when I decided to change disciplines and give mountain biking a go. Then in 2019, I decided to compete in a full EWS Season. I've always lived in an “all or nothing” household so I figured I'd throw myself in the deep end haha. Now I'm going into my second full EWS season (after 2020 being a write off), and I'm more motivated than ever. I’ve got some great brands behind me in 2021 and a bee in my bonnet to get out there and go full gas again!
What makes you tick? What gets you out of bed in the morning?
At the moment, I'm really motivated to get out of bed and train my ass off to give myself the best fighting chance to do well at the races this year and prove people wrong in the process. Although, especially as we're in lockdown 3.0 here in the UK, staying motivated 24/7 is pretty difficult given all the uncertainty at the moment!
When did you start mountain biking and what was the progression like? Were you hooked from the start?
I had always ridden mountain bikes as a kid, or should I say I was dragged around by my dad. To be honest, I didn't like it that much as a kid. I remember my calves burning while pushing uphill so I'd make my dad carry my bike haha, but here I am now! In 2017 I bought my first mountain bike and I was hooked. It was scary to step away from BMX when I was already at a high level and knew the sport inside out, but it's a bloody good job I did! I feel like I've progressed massively since then as I’ve put most of my time and effort into pushing myself to become better. I'm still early in my career and have so much to learn, but I think if I continue moving the way I am it'll be full of good times.
What are some of your bike related goals?
Obviously, I'm a racer through and through, so my main goal is to just reach my full potential in racing, however long that might take me. I'll probably still be racing in my 50's and I’ll still be trying to win!
What do you enjoy doing when you’re not riding bikes?
I enjoy a lot of things other than bikes. I love spending time with the family, although that can be mainly bike related. The thing I enjoy the most is spending time with my grandparents on their farm. I'm really close with them and our relationship is one I really treasure. I take a lot of knowledge from my grandad (I'd never say that to his face). So, helping out on the farm is something I really enjoy. Also, I'm fortunate enough to be able to jump on a horse and go for a ride as it really provides a sense of freedom. I like digging trails, doggie walks, coloring, the list goes on...
What’s your absolute favorite thing about riding bikes?
Offttt, can I only choose one thing?! I think my absolute favourite thing is when you surprise yourself by doing a feature that you think will be hard and you do it absolutely fine. It's a hard feeling to describe but if you've felt it before you'll know what I mean. It’s like a mini victory when you doubt yourself and then overcome.
What’s your least favorite thing about riding bikes?
My least favourite thing about mountain biking is probably the big puzzle of bike set up. I’m coming from BMX where all there is to your bike is one brake. Then to go to a mountain bike which has so many different elements was quite daunting. Although, it is just part and parcel of the sport, you have to learn and teach yourself about suspension set up, etc. You have to find what works for you, and sometimes that can be pretty stressful, but I’m slowly learning... very slowly haha.

How do you hope to add to, or improve, the bike community?
I love seeing the young talent coming through the sport, which makes me want to help out the younger generation. I'd like to provide knowledge to parents as I feel like they can sometimes put a lot of pressure on their kids from a young age and it shouldn't be like that. Biking should just be about FUN! I've seen it loads; a kid has tons of potential and talent, but then they’re pressured to the point where they fall out of love with the sport because it’s not fun anymore.
What’s your current music of choice? Do you have any songs, artists, or playlists that you’re hooked on?
I literally have such a varied music choice. I can go from Justin Bieber to some crazy rap. It's really quite funny when I have my music on shuffle. But at the moment I'm listening to a lot of Arctic Monkeys, which is a unique band from my hometown.
Help support Chloe by following her on Instagram and Facebook and cheering her along as she tackles the 2021 EWS circuit.